Super Joe Nadia Babba Man
Super Joe likes to ride his bike around Amsterdam, participate in uninhibited political discussions, drink coffee and smoke strong Haze from a pipe, preferably all at the same time. He feels most at home when there is rock or metal on the stereo, and thrives in bars that resemble Iron Maiden album covers. Most of all he likes occult phenomena and gets lost for hours reading esoteric literature. He has a highly contagious laugh and is an expert on surrealism, with an extensive experience in surreal political performance art. As an American ex-pat, Super Joe has occasional nightmares of being back in the States.
Nadia came to Amsterdam from Scandinavia 6 years ago and has spent hours on end digging into the local culture, particularly the delights of the city's smart- and coffeeshops. She likes smoking Moroccan pollen or fruity sativa blends, preferably together with a big cup of hot chocolate and a game of cards, although she is a sore loser. Nadia loves film noir and music jam sessions, but she also gets wildly excited about youtube videos, especially if they include talking dogs or Bollywood dancing. She is a passionate armchair environmentalist and dreams of becoming a beekeeper.
Babba Man is a natural wizard, with skills of walking on his hands (while smoking), making water boil by use of sound frequencies, as well as advanced MacGyverism. Babba likes black hash and strong sativas, preferably in a sunny hammock with the possibility of a nap. With his African roots, he is a huge fan of reggae and dancehall, and loves outdoor festivals and the smooth groove of Amsterdam's parks in the summertime. Babba practices Capoeira and loves spicy food, which might relate to his curious obsession with fire. Whether it is fireworks or fire poi, Babba is sure to get excited.
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